
Team Building Goals and Retreats

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“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”  Henry Ford

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We believe businesses must embrace functioning as highly result oriented ecosystems called teams because this approach improves goal-setting, inspires better decision making, promotes outstanding innovation and calls for the highest level of performance from their team members.

The best team leaders have a deep understanding of how productive their teams are based on the results they are producing.  Leaders must be constantly asking themselves what is functional and dysfunctional with regard to our systems and processes.

The following pillars of a successful team are described below as well as some retreat ideas where these principles can be brought to life in fun, exciting and creative ways.

Create a Culture of Trust

We believe trust is better earned than expected. It is not a matter of technique; it is one of character.  People are trusted more because of what they do than what they say.  Let your team members know they have been heard and act on their requests.  When you make a promise, be sure to fulfill it.  Ask for feedback frequently.

It is the responsibility of the team leaders to cultivate the confidence of their team members.  It is impossible to motivate teammates and attain their respect without trust.  It is a two-way street.

High levels of assurance shared between team leaders and members generate longer member retention, exceptional morale, strong loyalty, increased productivity and heightened profitability.

Be Accountable

Full accountability for each team member is based on establishing effective guidelines, procedures and practices.  There must be a straightforward delivery of reasonable and positive explanations for each of the team’s actions.

Increase Clarity

Clarity starts with the team leader and permeates throughout the entire organization.  Does everyone have a solid grasp of the team’s goals?  Ask your team members what are their goals with regard to completing a specific project. How are people performing relative to the achievement of those goals?  Ask questions consistently throughout this process.

Establish Alignment

Once everyone is clear on the goals, determine whether each goal is aligned or opposed to each other throughout the business as a whole.  Objectives can be misaligned depending on the desired outcome of each goal.  For example, if sales goals surpass the production department’s ability to fulfill orders timely, customers will get frustrated and may go to a competitor.

Reward Ability

Does the team have the talent it needs to complete its goals on time and on budget?

Team leaders should be strategically surrounding themselves with people who are strong in abilities they are not as proficient in.  Exceptional leaders encourage their team members to work alongside them in achieving high productivity, increased profitability and unsurpassed growth for the organization.

Resolve Conflicts

All sustainable relationships are built on resolving conflicts in order to deepen the relationship.  The process of conflict resolution is the best way to find the most powerful solutions in the shortest period of time. It is imperative to encourage all team members to contribute their best ideas and to put them on the table for open discussion.

Increase Commitment

Commitment requires the ability to move forward with the agreement of the team.  Successful teams know they must commit even when the outcome of their efforts may be uncertain.

Team Retreats

We feel involving your teams in retreats where they can build on the attributes above are invaluable.  Below is a list of games you can use to strengthen team values.

  • Treasure Hunt: Increase problem-solving and teamwork skills by having your teammates find hidden treasures together.
  • Paint Night: Bond with team members in an innovative painting experience. No previous painting experience is required!


  • Live Improv: Get your creative juices flowing by hosting an insightful, spontaneous adventure. This is a great way to increase communication skills.
  • Out-of-the-Box Outings: Improve team dynamics, drive company culture, and create a shared experience by having your team go on a unique outing like a cannabis tour, brewery tour, bowling night, or escape room.
  • Challenge Course: Build a strong team working through physical, emotional and mental challenges using ladders, ropes and cables in the Golden Gate Recreational Area.
  • Mystery House: Increase your team’s planning abilities by writing your own script, creating characters and letting your imagination take over in a classic “who dunn it” story.

How We Can Help You

Pacific Crest Group (PCG) provides professional services that keep your business focused on your critical objectives.  We provide strategic Accounting and Human Resource (HR) services created specifically to help you meet your goals. Through exemplary customer service, clearly defined policies and procedures as well as a forward looking perspective, we provide the outsourced solutions your business needs to grow. A PCG professional is happy to meet with you to discuss solutions for your unique requirements designed to maximize all of your business opportunities.